Welcome to the match making event
Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Climate Neutrality
Join this virtual and free brokerage platform to find partners or consortia for your PED project. Use the marketplace to find the partner you were looking for. Send them a message, chat a bit or jump straight into a one on one meeting to get to know each other.
13:30 Welcome and Presentation of the call
13:40 Information on the B2Match tool
13:50 1:1 networking session
1:1 virtual meetings as well as the marketplace will be available until the end of the call (24th February 2022)
Looking for more information on the call? Go to the Urban Europe website website were you find the Call Text and relevant information. Joint Call for Proposal.
Aim of the call
As an integral part of comprehensive sustainable urbanisation strategies, establishing Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods shifts the focus from the individual positive energy building towards neighbourhoods and thus a new level of impact on sustainable urban development and the energy transition process. With this call, JPI Urban Europe aims to continue creating a transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral community working in the field of the energy transition in the urban context, aiming for high stakeholder involvement, collaboration and co-production of knowledge.
Participating countries: Austria, Brussels Capital Region, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Romania, Sweden and Turkey
Call topics
The project proposal should address one of the following topics:
Topic 1: PEDs towards climate neutrality: transforming existing urban neighbourhoods
With the formulation of the European Green Deal and the Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities under the Horizon Europe framework programme, the European Commission has set ambitious goals regarding climate change adaptation and the energy transition. This call on Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Climate Neutrality aims at aligning PED development with these ambitions and fostering PED development as a key building block towards climate neutrality. For European urban areas this implies a strong focus on existing urban structures and therefore innovative retrofitting and re-design strategies towards Positive Energy districts and climate-neutral neighbourhoods.
Topic 2: Making PEDs happen: process innovation and business models
This topic focuses on the process innovation and economic feasibility for PED development. It aims at developing strategies for stakeholder cooperation, business models, public-private partnership and regulatory framework under the primate of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Further information on the call may be found here.